最近ES遇到discover老是失败问题,ping主节点和node节点正常,抓包发现了大量的retransmission、tcp out of order、dup ack问题。
The example screen below shows the Wireshark network analysis tool with a filter on a specific port that is trying to attempt the index request for the example case W-xxxx. No corresponding packet information is being received by Node1, the primary indexing node. Therefore, the root cause of the problem appears to be at the network layer, where some of the packets are not being transmitted successfully.
TCP报文之-tcp dup ack 、tcp Out-of-Order
WireShark出现的常见提示 TCP Out_of_Order的原因分析: 一般来说是网络拥塞,导致顺序包抵达时间不同,延时太长,或者包丢失,需要重新组合数据单元,因为他们可能是由不同的路径到达你的电脑上面。 TCP Retransmission原因分析: 很明显是上面的超时引发的数据重传。 TCP dup ack XXX#X原因分析: 就是重复应答#前的表示报文到哪个序号丢失,#后面的是表示第几次丢失。 tcp previous segment not captured原因分析 意思就是报文没有捕捉到,出现报文的丢失。 下面就详细的报文进行分析: